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刘金华  吴茜  秦陈荣 《人口与发展》2020,26(2):79-87,48
根据亲子沟通频率(高-低)、亲子亲密度(强-弱)将亲子亲合分为积极型亲子亲合、消极型亲子亲合、默契型亲子亲合、放任型亲子亲合四种类型。通过采用西安交通大学课题组与西南财经大学课题组2017年在四川省金堂县联合开展的留守儿童调查数据,探讨亲子亲合对农村留守儿童孤独感的影响。调查发现,四川省金堂县农村留守儿童存在较高的孤独感问题,基于logit模型进行实证分析发现,不同亲子亲合类型对农村留守儿童孤独感的影响存在差异,积极型亲子亲合有利于缓解农村留守儿童孤独感,默契型亲子亲合对农村留守儿童孤独感的缓解作用不显著,放任型亲子亲合加剧农村留守儿童孤独感。提出鼓励多元主体参与构建农村留守儿童关爱服务体系,促进农村留守儿童的健康成长。  相似文献   
2018年9月,中共中央、国务院联合发布《关于完善促进消费体制机制,进一步激发居民消费潜力的若干意见》文件。文件根据习近平中国特色社会主义思想,认为“消费是最终需求,既是生产的最终目的和动力,也是人民对美好生活需要的直接体现。”对消费在国民经济中的重要作用进行了深入阐述,将扩大和升级消费放在战略高度来进行谋划和部署,为今后如何进一步发展国民消费指明了前进方向。改革开放以来,江苏省的消费与全国一样发生了巨大变化,但是我们也应看到,江苏消费虽然增长较快,但是与党和国家的要求还存在一定的差距,消费能力、消费意愿、消费供给消费三要素的发展不充分,在消费水平、消费规模和消费结构等方面还存在一定的问题,在满足人民日益增长的需要方面还需要继续努力。特别是在推动江苏经济发展上要发挥更大的作用,通过消费对经济的调节、引领、带动机制促进江苏经济创新发展。因此,我们要继续贯彻党和国家“两个一百年”、江苏率先小康的“强富美高”战略目标,采取得力措施来解决消费矛盾,激发居民消费潜力,通过消费升级使江苏消费和经济均上升到一个新阶段。  相似文献   
Shortfall aversion reflects the higher utility loss of spending cuts from a reference than the utility gain from similar spending increases. Inspired by Prospect Theory's loss aversion and the peak‐end rule, this paper posits a model of utility from spending scaled by past peak spending. In contrast to traditional models, which call for spending rates proportional to wealth, the optimal policy in this model implies a constant spending rate equal to the historical peak when wealth is relatively large. The spending rate increases when wealth reaches a model‐determined multiple of peak spending. In 1926–2015, shortfall‐averse spending is smooth and typically increasing.  相似文献   
Consumers of luxury brands have been described as seekers of products that can offer a signaling value to present to others but also a value for their self-concepts in an existentialist spirit potentially linked to being “cool or not.” Prior studies have conceptualized brand coolness and evaluated its impact on consumer responses to brands. However, few studies have contextualized the construct of brand coolness concerning luxury brand realism. We assessed the semiotic tension that luxury brand consumers feel between self-concept and self-presentation to others via a theoretical consideration of four antecedents of brand coolness: individual, social, financial, and functional luxury values; and one intentional outcome such as consumers' passionate desire to use luxury fashion brands. Our findings indicated that luxury values positively influence brand coolness, and brand coolness positively influences passionate desire. We further confirmed that brand coolness plays a complementary mediating role between luxury values and passionate desire. A final contribution is to invite brand managers to consider how luxury values and brand coolness might be used proactively to drive consumers' passionate desires in the relationships with luxury fashion brands.  相似文献   
优化城市基础设施对于提升居民消费水平具有积极意义。交通与通讯两类基础设施对居民线上、线下消费的影响存在差异。在普及网购的同时改善城市居民出行条件,使实体店在展示产品、现场体验等方面与电商形成互补,将有助于实现线上、线下渠道的积极互动。以2011—2016年全国近300个地级市构建的面板数据进行计量分析,验证了基础设施对居民消费的促进作用,并发现当前交通、通讯两类设施的交互作用主要体现为协同效应。进一步的研究表明,以完善基础设施支持线上、线下渠道共同发展,还能够适应居民家庭年龄结构变化的新特点。上述结论说明,以完善基础设施促成渠道协同,将对全面优化消费者体验、提升居民消费水平产生重要作用。  相似文献   
平台经济的快速发展使得平台型社会责任消费问题日益被关注。立足平台经济情境下社会责任消费行为的“利他”属性,基于弱关系理论和消费者—企业认同理论,从社会互动视角对计划行为理论进行重塑,在问卷调查基础上通过统计分析方法研究社会责任消费行为意向驱动因素。实证显示:行为态度、社会规范、感知行为控制及平台企业社会责任认同对社会责任消费行为意向的生态消费、善因消费和诚信消费三个维度均有不同程度的正向影响,其中社会规范是最大的影响变量;行为态度在社会规范、感知行为控制、平台企业社会责任认同与社会责任消费行为意向之间起中介作用。修正后的计划行为理论实现了个人与社会、理性逻辑和情感逻辑的有机统一,能对平台经济视阈下社会责任消费行为意向进行有效的解释与预测,从而为平台社会责任生态化治理提供一定启示。  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,得益于我国综合国力的快速提升和中国特色社会主义的制度优势,我国农村社会保障事业取得了巨大成就,但仍存在社会保障制度城乡不均衡发展等重要问题。本文依据多源流模型和公共产品理论构建了我国农村社会保障制度演进的分析框架进行分析表明,我国农村社会保障制度演进大概经历了制度萌芽与停滞、恢复与探索、改革与发展、完善和提高四个阶段,人民日益增长的美好生活需要、党和国家"以人民为中心"的发展理念、政策试点与政策研究、经济体制改革与综合国力提升共同构成了农村社会保障制度演进的动力机制。针对农村社会保障制度演进面临的重要挑战,提出了加强农村社会保障治理体系现代化建设等未来展望。  相似文献   
This research examines how brand personality (excitement) and logo size used in product design (big versus small) interacts in affecting consumer brand evaluation. We first demonstrate that combining a big logo and a high-excitement brand (versus a small logo combined with a high-excitement brand) leads to high processing fluency, further resulting in more favourable brand evaluation (Study 1). We then determine the consumption situation as a moderator of such an interaction effect: the influence of the big logo and high-excitement-brand combination on brand evaluation is significantly weakened in a private consumption situation (a T-shirt worn at home) compared to a public consumption situation (a T-shirt worn outside, Study 2a), and becomes insignificant for a private product category (slippers, Study 2b).  相似文献   
Online collaborative consumption enhances peer networks, members of which communicate, collaborate, and even deliver services to one another via digital sharing platforms. Despite the tremendous increase in collaborative consumption, due in large part to the development of the Internet, the reality of the economic and social movements that underpin this trend is much less visible. Of course, not all consumers seek collaborative consumption or interact through online platforms. Using a qualitative approach, this paper aims to investigate motivational factors and barriers against collaborative consumption and to establish a typology of collaborative consumer profiles, identifying the most suitable type of online sharing platforms for each profile. The findings reveal the following collaborative consumer profiles: committed, pragmatists, intermittent, and skeptical, each demonstrating different preferences for the different type of online sharing platform.  相似文献   
徐成晓 《特区经济》2020,(3):130-132
本文先简要分析了互联网金融对居民消费的影响机理,再利用2014年1月-2016年3月中国省际面板数据实证分析了互联网金融对居民消费水平的影响。研究结果表明,互联网金融的发展能有效促进消费需求,且对传统经济强省的影响更为显著。最后,提出针对性政策意见,以确保未来互联网金融的健康规范发展,进一步刺激需求。  相似文献   
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